Posts by mello8805

sunlight bringing health to couple

Sunlight – Nature’s Most Healing Agent

Sunlight is one of nature’s most healing agents.    (Testimonies for[…]

activated charcoal

Top Uses of Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is produced from the controlled burning of wood,[…]

doctor explaining to patient about salt

Salt with a Savor

Do you have enough salt in your body? I use[…]

man sleeping in bed

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Rest is an important factor to experiencing great health.   In[…]

vegan sources of proeins

Vegan Sources of Protein

Many persons often ask the question, “Where do vegetarians get[…]

man eating breakfast

Break the Fast

Breakfast – Jumpstart Your Day!! Studies have linked a healthy[…]

various fruits and vegetables

Blood-Building Booster Juices

It is important for us to maintain a healthy blood[…]

man bundled up in the cold weather

Cold Air and Your Health

Temperature is an important factor to our general comfort. Perfect[…]

treating depression naturally

Nutrition and Depression

Food is a great way to overcome depression. We want[…]

man getting ready to juice

Juice Fasting

BEFORE YOU START Short two- to three-day fasts are an[…]