Top Uses of Activated Charcoal

activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is produced from the controlled burning of wood, which is then subjected to the action of an oxidizing gas such as steam or air. This process enhances the adsorptive power of charcoal by developing an extensive internal network of fine pores in the material.

doctor explaining about activated charcoal

Quick adsorption rate

Charcoal reaches its maximal rate of adsorption extremely rapidly, within one minute and it does not adsorb nutrients, so in some cases it is used for a period of time without depleting nutrients from the body.

Combatting odors

Charcoal has been used to combat odors in air and water. Powdered Charcoal may be placed in a jar lid on a shelf in the refrigerator, oven, or a drawer, closets, pet areas, fungus areas and it will adsorb a variety of odors, including rancid odors.

Activated charcoal can adsorb bacteria, viruses, bacterial toxins and regulate hormones.

Treating poisons

Charcoal is the most valuable single agent currently available for treating poisonings.  The immediate external application of charcoal as a poultice is highly effective against venomous spiders, snakes, fire ants, poison ivy, bush itches, bee stings and mosquito bites. Internal dosage for ingested poison, use promptly 8 – 10 times of activated charcoal for the estimated weight of the poison for such things as fighting food or aspirin poisoning or allergic reaction from a drug medication.   

Substances adsorbed by Charcoal

Alcohol                                                                    Narcotics

Arsenic                                                                     Opium

Camphor                                                                 Penicillin

Cocaine                                                                    Pesticides

Cyanide                                                                    Phenol

Digitalis                                                                   Quinine

Gasoline                                                                  Radioactive substances

Iodine                                                                       Selenium

Kerosene                                                                 Silver

Charcoal can adsorb some gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluids, and cleaning fluids that children may accidently ingest.  A large quantity of charcoal in relation to the offending fluid should be swallowed.


For abdominal pain use charcoal poultice on the abdomen and sides.  For Arthritic pain, use charcoal and turmeric poultice on the joint.  This can also be used for muscle pain or any area where there is inflammation.


Charcoal poultice for an earache is effective. Simply spread the heated poultice over the ear and allow it to extend downward to the neck and forward over the jaw and upward to the hairline. Hold the poultice in place with a bandage.  Relief of earache often begins in 5 minutes.

Flatulence and abdominal distention can be treated with Charcoal to good advantage.  In addition, nervous diarrhea, irritable or spastic colon, indigestion, peptic ulcers or other forms of gastrointestinal distress. Use 4 capsules or 1 tablespoon as often as 3 or 4 times a day.

Individuals who have acute liver failure should be given large quantities of charcoal by mouth in an attempt to prevent toxins from building up in the blood.

Activated Charcoal can be used to filter impurities from water.

A little olive oil added to some charcoal powder can be used to cleanse and heal indigestion of the stomach.

Bad breath

Charcoal can be used for bad breath, cleansing both the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract. Brushing with charcoal can also help to treat tongue or prevent cavities, bad breath and gum diseases.

Activated Charcoal can be used as a mouth rinse by itself or with toothpaste and a toothbrush to whiten teeth naturally.

When mixed with aloe, water, and essential oils such as tea tree or eucalyptus, Activated Charcoal can be mixed into a cleansing mask for your face or incorporated into a body scrub.  While the Carbon works wonders to clarify skin of organic impurities, it may also linger as black dots in your pores.  You can use steam, a hot washcloth, and sea salt to remove the darkness.

Activated charcoal used to wash the eyes in the case of Conjunctivitis, stys or Cold in the eyes.

The most severe inflammation of the eyes will be relieved by a poultice of charcoal, put in a bag, and dipped in hot or cold water, as will best suit the case. This works like a charm.

The story is told of a nurse who was called to see if she could do anything for an eighteen-month old boy. For several days he had a painful swelling on the knee, supposed to be from the bite of some poisonous insect. Pulverized charcoal, mixed with flaxseed, was placed upon the swelling, and this poultice gave relief at once. The child had screamed with pain all night, but when this was applied, he slept. The next day the swelling opened in two places, and a large amount of yellow matter and blood was discharged freely. The child was relieved of its great suffering.

At one time a young lady had severe fever and the doctors tried different remedies, which did not work.  She turned for the worse and it was feared that she would die.  When they sought help from a woman who knew of natural remedies, they were advised to use a charcoal poultice on her stomach and sides. This they did and relief came in less than half and hour after the application of the poultices and the young lady slept naturally for the first time in days.     

Charcoal powder and capsules are twice as potent as the tablets as they are all pure and not mixed with other compounds.

How to prepare Charcoal?

Charcoal Oral dosage

One tablespoon of activated charcoal powder stirred into a glass of water, 4 capsules of activated charcoal or 8 regular tablets taken mid-morning and repeated mid-afternoon if necessary.

Always drink lots of water, at least two glasses after ingesting charcoal to prevent constipation.

Charcoal Poultice

Do not apply to freshly broken skin.

To make a poultice, use: grounded flaxseed, powdered charcoal, water.

Mix 1-3 tablespoons of grounded flaxseed, 1-3 tablespoons of powdered activated charcoal, add warm water and stir until it becomes like a gel.

Spread thick paste of ¼ inch deep of the desired size on gauze, or paper towel. Place charcoal unto skin with the paper towel on the outer side, cover with plastic to keep the moisture in and tape or pin in place. Leave it on for 6 – 10 hours. Rub the area briskly with a cold washcloth after removing the compress.

A poultice may not necessarily be made with flaxseed. Simple charcoal and water mixed together can be quickly used on bee sting, spider bite or venomous bite as a first aid in an emergency situation. Then if possible rush to the emergency room.


  • Home Remedies by Agatha and Calvin Thrash, MD
  • Selected Messages Vol. 2 by Ellen G White
  • For educational purposes only.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




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